Monday, April 20, 2009

Something gave, hence I'm blogging...

It's a bittersweet thing, writing this blog.

On one hand, this means I am adding more memories to the ever-growing archive meant for you, Dobbes. And I know I haven't been good at updating lately and I'm sorry about that.

On the other hand, being too busy to write means that I have been devoting all spare time playing or just being with you and Mobbes.

So what gives?

Mobbes is on one of those dreaded out-field exercises (I just hate how these "army" terms just roll off my tongue now, so familiar I am with them) so he isn't here to nag me to go to bed early. Also, for once you are asleep without too much fuss.

There is much excitement in the days and weeks to come. Mobbes and I are busy laying out plans and ideas for our new apartment and although you will probably never remember it, you will soon be soaking up the sights and sounds of two major cities, one in Asia and another in Europe, one called Hong Kong and the other Paris.

Ah, the joy of travel! If you're anything like me, Dobbes, the tendency for wanderlust will be in your blood. You may be penniless at a time but you will find some way to always be able to plan that month-long trip to New York, and then go again a year after. Sometimes I think that Mobbes may have wanted to travel on his own too, the way I did.

(But then again, frankly speaking Dobbes, if not for me and you, your Daddy would probably be too lazy to plan on going anywhere except Bangkok...)

Life looks different from where I stand with you, Dobbes. There was a time when I didn't think I would ever want this. Partly because I was exhausted trying to find the right guy to share my life and the other because I wasn't really sure if he existed at all or if I was meant to be a wife and mother.

Parties and cocktails, hobnobbing with so-called "cool" people, caring about what I was wearing every day and being extremely independent was fun but kind of lost its charm after a while.

I'm glad the path I was on, confusing and challenging though it may have been, led me to you and Mobbes. Without you and him, travel is just an escape; shopping, a way to kill time and a house, never a home, no matter how perfect its design.

Soon, Mobbes will return to us and in the not-too-distant future there may be more of us cats in the family and it will make me even happier. But for now, relishing having you all to myself, I cannot envision a better time than this, when all it takes to give me tremendous joy is your smile, your laughter, you just being here.

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