Friday, November 19, 2010


Where did the year go?
How did the minutes, hours, days, nights, weeks and months slip by so quickly?
I would say I did not notice, but it would be a lie. Already you are stronger; you communicate better and as far as I can see, are ready for more than just me, your Dad, Bibik and Grandpa.

You had a great Pirate-themed 2nd birthday and were more interested in the smaller toys scattered around rather than the giant indoor play-scape you and the other little ones had the run of. But when we took you to a similar place a week later, you were as energetic and enthused as anyone could expect.

Who are you?

Not suitable reading...
I’m still getting to know, little stranger.
With you I have learned to adapt and not jump so quickly to conclusions. You are very much your own person and not the kind of child who is weak and easy to coax. You are determined yet affectionate, more inclined to the physical but just as sensitive with little details.
I can only feel my way through the decisions I make on your behalf at this point in time. I read, educate myself and talk to your Dad and our friends for advice but ultimately, I can’t say for certain that I’m doing the right thing. I just trust that there is someone bigger up there, guiding me while you are in my care and looking out for us.
What is next?

Two years has been an adventure: not really a roller-coaster ride but more like being on a massive schooner, sailing under bright blue skies as well as cloudy grey. Sometimes the waves are a bit choppy but mostly it has been a gentle swell in a wide-open sea of cozy days at home and happy travels abroad. Thanks to your Dad (and Canon – Delighting You Always…) we have the images to prove it. :)

I often fantasise about things staying the same yet I know that change is the only constant I can count on. Living in the moment, enjoying your little-baby voice and cuddly form will not last forever. So I remind myself to also look forward to the future, of golden stars and packed lunches, excursions to the zoo and a time when you will probably cherish the company of friends, perhaps even a little more than mine.

It is all part of what I signed up for, after all.
But until then, I won’t wonder too long about where the year has gone. Because I have been here and for as long as I can, you can count on it that I will be.

My Little Vader

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